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[SPA] SPARTA – A Proof-of-Stake Cryptocurrency. Simple. Fast. Reliable.

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Stop Wasting Your Time — Mine SPARTA!

Forging (PoS-mining) SPARTA is an excellent way to make a passive income that will cost you no stress or worries.

You just need to deposit 1,000,000 SPA or more to your account, run the software and automatically generate new coins — that's it. SPARTA is forged in the background, i. e. it’s unnoticeable for you and others.

Mine SPA coins at any time!

You can mine coins at any time, whenever your computer is on. While you're doing some work on your computer, it can mine SPA. While you're socializing in the social media, your computer can mine SPA. While you're watching a movie online or playing a game, your computer can again mine SPA.

You can combine any activities on the computer with forging — it's not a problem at all. In essence, it monetizes your every action — you do what you need to do and earn a nice reward at the same time.

24/7 forging means more profit!

If you want to earn more, leave your computer on 24/7. If you have the chance to do it, use it to increase your profit. Join those who support network operations right now and start generating new coins — stop wasting your time!

For a detailed guideline on launching forging with screenshots, go to Bitcoin Talk:

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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Comparing SPARTA and PayPal Fees

PayPal is an international payment system that can be used to transfer money to anywhere in the world in a fast and reliable way. This system is used by over 200 mln people from all over the world, but many of them view its high fees for international transfers as the main disadvantage. Domestic transfers are free of charge while “crossing the border” must be paid for.

What are PayPal fees for international transfers?

Whenever you transfer funds between PayPal accounts located in different countries, you have to pay a certain percentage of the transfer amount. The fee size depends on the destination country — each country has its own fixed rate.

  • Assume you want to transfer $1,000 from Australia to the US so the source and target currencies are the same. In this case, the fee will amount to 3.9% + $0.30. For the recipient to receive precisely $1,000, you will have to add the fee to the total and transfer $1,040.89. In other words, you will pay PayPal for its services over $40.

Here's another example: making a transfer between currencies with a conversion.

  • Let's assume it's the same countries, but you're sending Australian dollars from Australia and the recipient will receive the amount in US dollars in the USA. In this case, your expenses will increase by another 2.5% — the fee for currency conversion. In total, you will have to pay 6.4% of the transfer amount + $0.30.

You should agree it's quite a lot, especially considering the fee is basically a payment for intermediary services. Imagine how much an intermediary earns on payments made by its users on a daily basis. All this money could be used by the users for their own needs or sent for charity purposes.

SPARTA is a payment network with no intermediaries or high fees

The SPARTA network has no intermediaries, i. e. no high fees. It doesn't matter how much and where to you transfer — you will anyway pay a minimum possible fee that will be a lot less than 1 cent.

Fees in SPARTA are not a way to make third parties wealthier — they're used to protect the network against fraud. Even when the price of SPARTA starts to grow, the fee will always remain as small as possible.

SPARTA is an excellent alternative to multiple payment services and systems. By using SPARTA, you're saving money and can use it for your own needs or for those in need.

Join SPARTA and build new financial relations with us — truly fair and honest!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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SPARTA is Easy

The main purpose of the SPARTA team is building fair and just financial relations among people: honest, transparent, with no high fees and no limitations. This is why we try to make sure common people can easily understand what cryptocurrency is and start using it in their everyday lives.

SPARTA is an easy-to-use and convenient cryptocurrency for everyone

Even people who are far from the cryptocurrency world and innovative technology can figure out how SPARTA works. We have created an easy-to-navigate web-site and translated it into 20 languages to help our users understand SPARTA in their mother tongue — perceiving information is a lot more convenient and understandable this way.

We have also developed simple functionality for the SPARTA wallet — you can create a wallet literally in a minute and start using it right away. To make a transfer, you only need to follow some simple steps: click the “Submit” button, enter the receiving wallet address, the transfer amount and the fee in the form that opens and click the “Submit” button again.

You can also buy/sell SPARTA rapidly, easily and smoothly on trading platforms or via the embedded exchanger directly on the web-site, without having to trade. See our previous publications to find out how you can use the exchanger. But, frankly, it's so easy you will probably need no instructions.

Use SPARTA — make your financial relations simple and convenient

Cryptocurrencies are in fact a lot easier than it could seem. You can figure them out at any age, with minimal skills of using the Internet. Don't be afraid to let something new into your life — be active in studying cryptocurrencies since they hold the keys to the future. SPARTA will help you do it — you will start using digital money and will feel confident in the new system of financial relations.

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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Some Statistics: Bitcoin Network Power Consumption

In one of our previous publications, we looked at the problem of environmental disaster caused by the PoW-mining “craze”. In this post, we'd like to give you some numbers regarding power consumption by Bitcoin — for illustration purposes and a fuller understanding of the scale of the problem.

The Bitcoin network is currently consuming 2.55 GW of electric power on a monthly basis!

It's a huge number, but it's not the limit. With each passing day, more and more users join the network, so the amount of power consumed grows respectively. According to experts, this number could surge by over three times in the near future — up to 7.67 GW.

For reference: all of Iceland consumes 3.1 GW per month, and Austria consumes 8.2 GW.

We will now compare the amount of power consumed by Bitcoin transactions and that consumed by the traditional payment systems.

Power consumption for a single Bitcoin transaction is 20 thousand times more than that for a single transaction in the Visa payment system which is a mere 0.01 kW (10 W). In other words, a single Bitcoin transaction requires 200 kW which is the same amount of power as consumed by a washing machine over 200 cycles.

As you can see, the Bitcoin network is really “glutton” for power, and its appetite will continue to grow. As we mentioned before, it could lead to an environmental disaster. But is it what people really want? Of course, not.

SPARTA doesn't require a lot of power

SPARTA is an easy-to-use and power saving cryptocurrency that does not harm the environment. All you need to support SPARTA network operations and earn a reward in the form of new coins is an old computer — with no extra power usage and related negative implications.

By selecting SPARTA, you opt for a clean environment and a brighter future for the planet. Join SPARTA right now and forge this future with your own hands!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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Why is Buying SPARTA More Profitable Now?

Did you know that buying promising cryptocurrencies is more profitable during the first year after they're issued? Why? It's because later their price will predictably grow. We can review the example of TOP cryptocurrencies to make sure it's true.

Some time ago Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other TOP cryptocurrencies were also fledgling cryptocurrencies with a low price. They were also quite promising thanks to their technical features and advantages which is why they have become highly popular. Since they first appeared on the market, these coins have shown a growth of hundreds, even thousands times!

SPARTA is a young and promising cryptocurrency with a bright future!

We're confident that SPARTA will replicate success of the TOP cryptocurrencies. Thanks to the team's hard work and ambitions, a number of technical advantages, simplicity, ease of use and profitability, SPARTA will become popular among millions of regular people.

However, while SPARTA is still at an early stage in its development, its price is still low. Now is the right time to buy the coins and hold onto them in expectation of the price growth. Now is also the most favorable point in time for engaging in forging. If you want to support network operations and get a reward in the form of new coins, you must have at least 1,000,000 SPA on your balance. With the current price, you won't spend much on buying this amount, but you will build a solid foundation for a comfortable life!

Join SPARTA now and build a secure future for yourself and your family!  Do not miss your chance!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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SPARTA's Advantages as Compared to NEM

SPARTA features a number of advantages as compared to other cryptocurrencies some of which were already mentioned in our previous publications. Today, we'll tell you why SPARTA is better than NEM.

NEM in brief

The NEM cryptocurrency (abbreviated from New Economy Movement) was launched on March 31, 2015. It uses the Proof-of-Importance (PoI) algorithm that looks into the following account characteristics:

  • balance;
  • level of activity, i. e. the number of transactions completed by the account in the network;
  • duration of account life in the network.

Below, you can find the main advantages of SPARTA over NEM

  • Fees in the NEM network are always changing depending on the sender's and recipient's balances. The more coins you own, the more you have to pay. SPARTA features a low fee which does not depend on who you transfer coins to and how much you have on your account.


  • NEM had a huge pre-mine volume — all 9 bln coins were generated this way. In SPARTA, emission is initiated by users who support network operations, receive a reward and develop the idea of decentralization.


  • The NEM system increases fees for non-active users meaning that it forces you to always run transactions and doesn't allow for the simple accumulation of coins and generation of profit on investment. In SPARTA, each user chooses their own path without unwelcome pressure.


  • The NEM network pays the reward for supporting network operations once a day. In SPARTA, you have a chance to get a reward every single minute.

Join SPARTA and build a new future with us now — your well-being is in your hands!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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What SPARTA Looks Like

Just like any other cryptocurrency, SPARTA is intangible. To put it bluntly, it cannot be felt, touched, pocketed, unlike the fiat money we're used to.

What is SPARTA?

SPARTA is digital money based on the math science of information encryption. When you say “I've got 1,000,000 SPA”, it doesn't mean that somewhere at home or in a “crypto bank” you have a huge sack full of coins you own. SPARTA coins are, in essence, a set of unique encrypted data calculated using a special formula and stored in the blockchain network. Every minute the formula picks a new network member to create a new block which also generates a profit of 8,000 new SPA coins for this member.

Again, it doesn't mean that the coins will physically appear in this user's wallet. A coin is just a notion to simplify understanding of cryptocurrency for regular people who have nothing to do with programming or maths.

The truth is the wallet's balance reflects the final calculated result of all transactions run by you or completed at your address in the SPARTA network. A certain amount in SPA on your balance is validated by the records of incoming and outgoing transactions for your wallet. All completed transactions are stored in the blockchain and described by relevant terms: incoming or input transactions indicate the address coins have come from; outgoing or output transactions state what address coins have been sent to.

Moreover, SPARTA coins can be easily exchanged for fiat money

Even though SPA coins are intangible, you can turn them into tangible fiat money at any time — it's a kind of virtual and real “magic”. You can use cryptocurrency platforms that trade SPARTA coins to exchange them for other cryptocurrencies at any time — for instance, for Bitcoin which can then be exchanged for fiat money via payment services or exchanged for USD and, again, output as fiat money. You can also use P2P platforms to directly buy/sell SPA for fiat money.

So join SPARTA and build a new future with us —a future where virtual reality is intertwined with real reality. Together we can build new financial relations for all people — truly fair and honest!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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More about using the Proof-of-Stake concept in SPARTA: operation principle and advantages

Associating all cryptocurrencies with Bitcoin, most people think that mining is the only way to mine coins. However, it is not so. There is another way of mining coins – forging – which is more trouble-free and cost-effective.

What is the difference between mining and forging?

- Supporting the operation of a network based on Proof-of-Work (PoW) is commonly called mining.  Miners use computing power to mine coins. The more powerful computer is; the more chances a user has to mine a coin. Consequently, mining requires expensive computing equipment as well as huge monthly electricity costs. In other words, to start mining coins with the PoW method you have to invest a large lump sum. Then you will have to invest more and more money as over time the network complexity will be growing which means the equipment will require a regular upgrade.

- Forging is based on the Proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithm. Forging is not based on computing power, but on the user account balance. The more tokens are in an account, the greater the chances of creating a block and receiving a reward. As a result, this method is available to everyone. Computational requirements are small, and computational capacity and electricity are not wasted. To start forging, you only need a wallet with a minimum number of tokens. Clearly, buying a required number of coins entails some extra expenses but compared to mining costs, they are not significant. If needed, you can always sell the purchased coins.  Moreover, PoS-miner don't have to upgrade their equipment and pay huge electricity bills.

As you can see, forging has significant advantages over mining. Many popular cryptocurrencies including Ethereum are thinking about switching to Proof-of-Stake. Like SPARTA, most of young promising cryptocurrencies prefer to use Proof-of-Stake.  

More about earning by forging  – https://sparta.top/how-to-earn.html

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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Advantages of SPARTA Over NXT

Some time ago we told you about SPARTA's advantages over Bitcoin and Litecoin. Today, let's talk about its advantages over NXT.

NXT is a cryptocurrency that uses the Proof-Of-Stake (PoS) technology. SPARTA is similar to NXT, but it's more refined, thus having a range of advantages. These include:

  • SPARTA network is faster. A fully secure transfer takes less time. In NXT, it's 14 minutes against 10 minutes in SPARTA. Generation of each block in the SPARTA network is on average 20 seconds faster.


  • Reward for PoS-mining (forging). SPARTA offers a forging reward in the form of newly generated coins while the NXT network does not feature forging in principle — 1 bln coins was issued in the first transaction, and no other issues are scheduled for the future. NXT offers rewards for transactions only. At the initial stage, a miner in the SPARTA network has a chance to earn 8,000 SPA per minute, but this amount will be reduced over time. By contrast, NXT does not pay rewards in new coins in principle.

You should agree that these advantages are significant since users find it important to save time, and no one would reject a decent reward for supporting network operations.

Therefore, join SPARTA right now if you're not yet a member, and ensure affluence and comfort for yourself!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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Latest Software for Nodes to Consolidate SPARTA Community and Accelerate Its Development!

Forging in SPARTA is not just an opportunity to make a sustainable passive income, but also a long stride towards fast development and consolidation of users which is even more important!

SPARTA will unite people around the globe!

Anyone from anywhere in the world can join in supporting SPARTA operations. SPARTA has no limits — people can and will create nodes all around the globe, thus promoting the network. They're already doing it — the network is growing under our eyes, with more and more nodes emerging in various countries.

Over time, SPARTA will become a global payment system with millions of nodes all over the globe and will become a foundation for new financial relations between people — truly honest and fair.

It will be a new generation of financial relations — they will be completely decentralized, transparent, with no intermediaries, most convenient for users. This is the ultimate goal for the SPARTA cryptocurrency!

Join us right now, launch a node and build new financial relations globally with your own hands! Your future is in your own hands!  

Detailed guideline on launching a node with screenshots on Bitcoin Talk:

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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Key SPARTA Advantages Over Bitcoin and Litecoin

SPARTA is a promising new generation cryptocurrency that excels over popular coins by multiple parameters. Among other things, SPARTA has clear advantages over the first-ever cryptocurrency — Bitcoin — and its second fork — Litecoin. Let's briefly review the key advantages.

Why is SPARTA better than Bitcoin?

In the SPARTA network, transactions are validated once a minute which is 10 times faster than in the Bitcoin network. A fully secure transfer takes 10 minutes (10 confirmations) while in Bitcoin it's about 30–60 minutes (3–6 confirmations).

  • The SPARTA network fee is less than 1 cent regardless of the transaction amount; additionally, it changes dynamically and will always remain minimal, even when the coin price has risen a lot. In the Bitcoin network, fees may amount to dozens of dollars. Moreover, if the mempool is overloaded, users have to raise the fees further to speed up processing of their transactions.


  • Bitcoin mining requires powerful and expensive computing equipment + high electricity costs. You can mine (forge) SPARTA using a regular laptop, with no excessive power costs.


  • Bitcoin bears risks of centralization and 51% attacks. It may happen at any time, for instance, if big powerful mining pools are united. SPARTA has ruled out 51% attacks. Centralization is also out of the question since anyone owning over a million SPA has an equal chance of generating a block.

Why is SPARTA better than Litecoin?

Litecoin is a lot like Bitcoin, except it's a little faster and cheaper, but it's not faster and cheaper than SPARTA. Therefore, the key advantages are the same.

The rate of block generation in SPARTA is 2.5 times higher. A fully secure transfer takes 10 instead of 15 minutes in Litecoin. The fee is a hundred times lower.

As you can see, SPARTA's advantages over these two popular cryptocurrencies are obvious. SPARTA deserves attention on the part of investors, traders and regular people who need a simple, fast and secure payment system with no intermediaries and high fees. SPARTA is good for anyone! Join us and change your life for the better!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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SPARTA Protection Against Centralization

Any network user can support SPARTA operations and receive new coins as a reward if their balance exceeds 1,000,000 SPA. Besides, all users have equal chances of generating a new block, regardless of the value of their balance. This ensures protection against centralization. Let's review this issue in more detail using examples.

Cryptocurrencies using the PoW technology

The PoW technology used by many cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, does not rule out centralization. Miners with more powerful equipment have more chances of generating blocks. The more powerful the equipment is, the more often a miner can generate blocks. Whenever a few miners unite their hashrates into the so-called mining pool, their profit and influence experience a boost.

For instance, at this point the Bitcoin network is facing a situation when a few big mining pools could form a single pool and easily conspire to arrange a 51% attack on the network as their cumulative hashrate would exceed a half of the total network hashrate. This is a sign of centralization when the human factor could affect behavior of cryptocurrency on the market.

Therefore, a small group of big players could dictate its conditions to all the other players. There's nothing left but hoping for their decency. A mere possibility of this situation endangers the key Bitcoin principle initially formulated by the creator of the network, Satoshi Nakamoto — the principle of decentralization.  

Cryptocurrencies using the PoS technology

Almost all cryptocurrencies using the PoS technology offer an advantage to the nodes with a bigger balance when generating blocks. Assume a node has a balance of 2,000 coins while another node has a balance of 3,000 — the node with 3,000 coins on the balance will have a chance to generate a block more often. What if it's 100,000 coins? In this case nodes with a balance of 2,000 will almost never generate blocks while the node with 100,000 will generate block very often.

Therefore, nodes with a bigger  balance could come to dominate the market one day which is an obvious sign of centralization. What if they form pools? Wanting to gain an advantage, malicious users might deliberately accumulate a big balance for their nodes, unite with others and concentrate most coins in their hands, thus having a huge influence on the cryptocurrency market.

All nodes are equal in the SPARTA network!

Although SPARTA also uses the PoS technology, its algorithm is designed to even the odds of generating blocks for all nodes with a balance of at least 1,000,000 SPA. Even if a node has a balance of 200,000,000 SPA, it will generate blocks just as often as a node with a balance of 1,000,000 SPA.

This rule protects the SPARTA network against centralization — no one can artificially influence the distribution of coins and dominate the market. These conditions are truly fair and honest for all users that can become the foundation for the new financial relations between people. Join SPARTA and build these relations with us!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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Subscribe to SPARTA in Social Media — We Offer Lots of Interesting and Useful Content!

SPARTA does not only have a convenient web-site with complete information about the coin — we also offer continuously updated content on our pages in the social media.

We appreciate and respect our users — consequently, we regularly publish interesting posts that are useful for anyone: fledgling traders and experienced gurus, or regular people who would like to learn more about cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology.

We also publish posts about our ideology that reflect our view on the existing financial system and the need to change it globally.

We're confident that our views are similar to those of most people. We invite you to subscribe to our accounts and read our posts — it's interesting and useful for anyone!

Subscribe right now and follow us in the social media:

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/Sparta-Simple-Fast-Reliable-144359956205380/
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Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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In-Depth: Buying SPARTA on BTC-ALPHA

BTC-Alpha is a service you can use to buy and sell SPARTA. It's traded in SPA/USD and SPA/BTC trading pairs here. It means that you need to have USD or BTC on your account if you want to buy SPA.

Refilling your balance in USD and BTC on BTC-Alpha


  • Click the icon that indicates your user name and select “Finance” in the context menu.


  • Select the currency you want from the list (USD or BTC) and click the “Deposit” line.


  • If USD is selected, the system will allow you to choose one of the 2 refilling options: via the AdvCash payment system or via the Perfect Money payment system. Select the option you prefer and follow system prompts. Funds will be transferred to your account as per terms and conditions of the payment system you have selected.


  • If BTC is selected, copy the refilling address displayed on the web-page and make a transfer to this address as per the rules of the service (wallet, exchange, exchanger, etc.) you want to use to make the transaction. For example, if you want to transfer 0.01 ВТС to BTC-Alpha via Blockchain Wallet, just follow the course of action you usually follow when sending coins from this wallet to any other wallet in the Bitcoin network. Funds will be deposited on your account after the transaction has received 3 confirmations in the Bitcoin blockchain.

How can I buy SPARTA on BTC-ALPHA?

  • Navigate to the “Exchange” web-page using the following URL: https://btc-alpha.com/exchange/. Select the trading pair in the left-hand section. For instance, select “SPA” in the “BTC” column.



  • Since you need to buy SPARTA coins, fill the relevant “Buy SPA” form. When you click the amount next to the “Balance” line, the system will automatically calculate the amount in SPA you're going to receive in exchange for your entire balance amount based on the current price. You can also fill up the form manually by entering the amount and the price you want. To buy SPA immediately, set the price to the value of the first item in the “Buy Orders” list.  After you fill up the form, make sure all data you have entered are correct. If they are, click “Buy”.


  • After your order is executed, SPA coins will be displayed on your balance. If all parameters of the created order correspond to the current situation on the service (you have indicated the current price in the order and SPA sell orders for the required amount exist), the order will be immediately executed. Otherwise, the order will be executed in parts as matching orders are created by other exchange members.

You need to make similar steps if you select the SPA/USD trading pair.

How can I withdraw SPARTA from BTC-Alpha?

  • Click the icon that indicates your user name and select “Finance” in the context menu.


  • Select SPARTA from the cryptocurrency list and click the “Withdraw funds” line. The system will prompt you to choose one of the 2 options: transferring SPARTA to a wallet and creating a BTC-Alpha code.


  • If you want to withdraw funds from BTC-Alpha, use the option of making a withdrawal to the SPARTA wallet https://btc-alpha.com/billing/create-withdraw/SPA/Sparta/. Fill up form fields based on system prompts (indicated the transfer amount and the SPA wallet address you want to make a transfer to) and click “Funds to be withdrawn”.


  • You must confirm the request you have created on the next step. If 2FA is enabled, the system will request confirmation based on the selected 2FA type, and you will be sent a message to your e-mail address indicated during registration. If 2FA is not enabled, you will receive the message right away. Click the URL in the message to confirm the transfer.


  • Upon confirmation, your request will be set to the “Pending” status and then — to “Completed”. “Completed” means that your transaction has been sent to the SPARTA network and funds will be sent to your wallet after 1 confirmation in the blockchain. The transfer is rated as completely secure after 10 confirmations in the blockchain. You can track the status of your request on the web-page: https://btc-alpha.com/accounts/history/withdraws/.

Note. On BTC-Alpha all requests are manually processed by moderators. Therefore, funds withdrawal can take some time, from 20 min to multiple hours. When processing requests, priority is given to users with enabled 2FA.

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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Forging SPARTA — Earning Money Without Working

Making money without working — isn't that the ultimate dream? Let's face it, you've also thought about it on multiple occasions? Why not — it's a reasonable wish for any sane person. It's now perfectly doable!

Forging SPARTA means making easy money with no manual labor or regular material expenses!

By forging SPARTA, you can make your dreams come true! You can make money around the clock if your computer is on and special software is running. You can make money even as you sleep!

All you need to start generating new coins by forging is installing and running special software and having 1,000,000 SPA or more in your wallet. No investment into expensive equipment, no extra electricity bills, no worries — it's all simple and easy.

Start making money with SPARTA right now — don't waste your time! Especially considering that now you can buy a million coins at a very attractive price!

For a detailed guideline on launching forging with screenshots, go to Bitcoin Talk:

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

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Medium — https://medium.com/@SPARTAcore
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How Much Will You Earn When SPARTA Sees a Hike?

Many investors are most probably concerned with this question. One can currently buy SPA at a very attractive price, but in the future it could, in all probability, rise multifold.  

Assume you've bought SPA coins worth $100:

  • If the price rises twofold (Х2), your $100 will grow to $200;


  • If the price rises fivefold (Х5), you can sell your SPA for $500;


  • If the price rises tenfold (Х10), you can sell your SPA for $1,000;


  • If the price rises hundredfold (Х100), you can sell your SPA for $10,000.

Assume you've bought SPA coins worth $1,000:

  • If the price rises twofold (Х2), your $1,000 will grow to $2,000;


  • If the price rises fivefold (Х5), you can sell your SPA for $5,000;


  • If the price rises tenfold (Х10), you can sell your SPA for $10,000;


  • If the price rises hundredfold (Х100), you can sell your SPA for $100,000.

Assume you've bought SPA coins worth $10,000:

  • If the price rises twofold (Х2), your $10,000 will grow to $20,000;


  • If the price rises fivefold (Х5), you can sell your SPA for $50,000;


  • If the price rises tenfold (Х10), you can sell your SPA for $100,000;


  • If the price rises hundredfold (Х100), you can sell your SPA for $1,000,000.

All these examples are far from being a fantasy. Young, promising cryptocurrencies are capable of demonstrating amazing results in the mid and long term.

We've been promoting SPARTA on all fronts, and we're confident a bright future is there for us. Join SPARTA right now while it's still cheap — in the future you'll have an excellent chance to make a good profit!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

Subscribe to our accounts in the social networks and read our articles:

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/Sparta-Simple-Fast-Reliable-144359956205380/
Twitter — https://twitter.com/SPARTA_core
Telegram — https://t.me/SPARTAcore
Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/comments/7ek8bd/spa_sparta_a_proofofstake_cryptocurrency_simple/
Medium — https://medium.com/@SPARTAcore
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/sparta.top/

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Watch SPARTA Video Available in 20 Languages!


We care for each one of our users which is why we have translated our web-site and promotional materials, including a video about the SPARTA cryptocurrency, into 20 languages. You can watch it in your native tongue to understand all details.

Information in your native tongue is easy to understand and remember, so watch the video to get an idea about our cryptocurrency. It's perfect for all newbies, even if they know nothing about the world of cryptocurrencies.

What is the video about?
  • SPARTA cryptocurrency and its purpose;
  • Blockchain technology that ensures network safety and reliability;
  • SPARTA's advantages over banks with graphic examples;
  • Ways to support SPARTA operations, forging and its advantages over mining;
  • Threes ways to make money with SPARTA.

The video is available on the right side of the home page of our web-site https://sparta.top/. To watch the video in the language you want, select it in the top right corner of the page. To navigate to YouTube to watch the video, click “Play” first and then click the “YouTube” icon in the video box.

Or you can just click the following link (English version) —

Have fun watching the news!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

Subscribe to our accounts in the social networks and read our articles:

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/Sparta-Simple-Fast-Reliable-144359956205380/
Twitter — https://twitter.com/SPARTA_core
Telegram — https://t.me/SPARTAcore
Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/comments/7ek8bd/spa_sparta_a_proofofstake_cryptocurrency_simple/
Medium — https://medium.com/@SPARTAcore
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/sparta.top/  
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What is Cryptocurrency Listing and What’s Its Significance?

Listing of a cryptocurrency is a procedure of adding a coin/token to a particular cryptocurrency exchange for trading purposes.

Authoritative exchanges with a strong reputation will carefully evaluate the applying project against a number of requirements before agreeing to add cryptocurrency to their listing. If these requirements are not satisfied, no listing will happen.

Exchanges often require a certain fee to be paid for listing the coin which sometimes turns out to be too expensive for the developing team. This is why fledgling coins may find it hard to get to well-known exchanges even if they have a lot of potential.

Listing affects the price of cryptocurrencies. As a rule, when a coin is listed on an exchange, especially a large one, it has a positive effect on its development. This news is perceived by most crypto traders as a positive sign, and demand for the coin starts to grow. Accordingly, the price also rises.

SPARTA intends to get included in listings on multiple exchanges and platforms

SPARTA is a young promising currency with a huge potential which will certainly be duly appreciated by a lot of authoritative exchanges. We plan to get included in listings on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges and P2P platforms. We're currently negotiating with some of them and are confident of a positive outcome.

However, it takes time since, as mentioned above, fledgling coins find it quite hard to enter the market these days. But we'll definitely succeed — it could not have been otherwise. SPARTA isn't just an innovative cryptocurrency — it's a whole ideology aiming to build new financial relations between people — truly fair and honest. It's easy to use, convenient, safe and efficient meaning it deserves to be introduced to the world for people to start using it on a massive scale.

Join SPARTA now if you haven't done so yet, and build a new future with us — for yourselves and all the people on the planet! New exchanges coming up soon!

Buy/Sell SPARTA https://sparta.top/exchange.html

Subscribe to our accounts in the social networks and read our articles:

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/Sparta-Simple-Fast-Reliable-144359956205380/
Twitter — https://twitter.com/SPARTA_core
Telegram — https://t.me/SPARTAcore
Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/comments/7ek8bd/spa_sparta_a_proofofstake_cryptocurrency_simple/
Medium — https://medium.com/@SPARTAcore
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/sparta.top/

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Mining New SPARTA Coins is Easy and Profitable!

The SPARTA cryptocurrency is based on the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithm. Therefore, even an old and slow computer will suffice for supporting the network and generating new coins as a reward.

The PoS algorithm is much more convenient and profitable for mining purposes than the Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm. Here's why:

  • You don't need to buy expensive equipment;
  • You don't need to rent a garage for a mining farm;
  • You don't need to engage in a “power race” with other miners and continuously boost your equipment's capabilities;
  • You don't need to worry about your equipment being damaged or stolen;
  • You don't need to pay huge electricity bills and have issues with the electrical services.

You just need a regular computer or laptop and a balance of at least 1,000,000 SPA which is so much less than the cost of buying expensive ASIC's and continuously upgrading them.

Moreover, it'll be good for your nerves since you won't have to worry about anything. You will probably agree it's important.

Mining SPARTA is easy!

A new user-friendly web-application allows you to rapidly launch a node and start generating a robust profit right away. The network is fast, with a new block generated each minute, which means you and the other network users  have a chance to earn a reward every other minute!

Please, remember that you need to complete an outgoing transaction for a node to start forging. You need to do this for the SPARTA network to register your node. The value of the transaction may be random, but after it's completed you should still have at least 1,000,000 SPA on your account.  

Please, remember to do the following to start forging:

  1. Fill up your wallet and run any outgoing transaction (you can send funds to your second wallet). https://wallet.sparta.top.  Wait 24 hours until your transaction receives 1,440 confirmations.
  2. Download and run the released application: https://github.com/spartacore/sparta/releases/download/v1.0.1/sparta-1.0.1.jar (you must have Java version 8 or higher)
  3. Navigate to in your browser, wait until the blockchain is downloaded, enter your mnemonic phrase and click “Start”.

Detailed guideline with screenshots on Bitcoin Talk:

Run the application to forge SPARTA now and start mining new coins along with other network users! Make money for a happy future!

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